Other information

Conference venue

Congress Center Conference Park 25/7
Amadria Park Grand hotel 4 opatijska cvijeta, Opatija

Official languages

Official languages are Croatian and English. Simultaneous translation will not be provided. Slides should be in English.

Registration desk

The Registration Desk will open half an hour before the beginning of the sessions and close half an hour after the end of the sessions.

Letter of Invitation

The Organising Committee will issue the Letter of Invitation upon request to be used for visa application and for your employer. Please, send your request to the Congress agency’s e-mail:


Official badges

All registered participants with registration fee paid will get Congress badges (ID cards) and are obligated to wear them during the scientific and social program.

Mobile phones

Participants are kindly requested to keep their mobile phones in off position in the halls where scientific sessions are being held.


Internet services will be available to all participants during the Symposium.

Certificate of Attendance

A Certificate of Attendance will be issued to all registered participants.